Slot Receivers


A slot is an authorization for an aircraft to take-off or land at a specific airport on a particular day during a specified time period. Airlines and air traffic control use slots to manage congestion at highly crowded airports around the world and prevent repeated delays that result from too many flights trying to take off or land at the same time.

Unlike wide receivers who usually line up outside the offensive tackles, Slot receivers are typically smaller and quicker players that tend to align slightly in the backfield behind the center. They are often called into pre-snap motion, and their speed and route running is where they excel. Slot receivers are also required to block, and they often act as a decoy for run plays.

While Slot receivers do excel at route running, they are also required to have a great understanding of the defense, as they’re a crucial cog in the blocking wheel for many offenses. They must know which defenders are in the area and be able to mirror their route runs. This type of advanced awareness is one of the reasons why Slot receivers are often the target on nickel and dime packages.

While you won’t see a slot machine payout percentage listed on the game’s face, you can find it by looking at the number of credits displayed next to the cashout amount. If you see the cashout number in the hundreds, that’s a good indication of a winning slot machine.